Chrome Cover Fence

Fence with chrome covering is protec from corrode, but the age of this protection is deppend on the thicness of chrome cover .  The example of fence with chrome covering as on he picture below:

Kitchen for Minimalist House

Many kind of kitchen design for your house, its depend on many things like the size of your kitchen and what appliances are available in your kitchen. The design should be planed before, minimal your kitchen will useful at least for 5 years, because if just use for short time, better you stay in rent house, then you can build more modern house.

The picture below are just example of small kitchen on house of minimalist design that can use of modern appliance or semi traditional appliance that still smoke out from your kitchen. For kitchen like this one you need exhaust fan from your kitchen, should be installed above the stove chimney equipped with an exhaust fan, so the smoke would come out if the stove is in use.


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