Chrome Cover Fence

Fence with chrome covering is protec from corrode, but the age of this protection is deppend on the thicness of chrome cover .  The example of fence with chrome covering as on he picture below:

Carpet Choice

Arranging carpet is exactly easy to, but there are some matter which your need to pay attention so that more interesting and precisely.
  1. Theme and size measure. This is of vital importance paid attention to. Space theme goes together the choice of carpet color, and motif. For example, if you wish the dressy settlement classical, better choose the carpet with classic theme.
  2. Size and space function. Size of Space has an effect on using of carpet size. Size Comparison too far from room space, or on the contrary-- can make an inappropriate impression or not well-balanced.
  3. So, if only you own the fairish family room size of 4 m x 5 m, you can use carpet size of 160 cm x 240 cm. If have smaller space, use carpet size of 140 cm x 200 cm. Carpet function may not be forgotten. To close the overall of floor, choose the artless carpet or carpet owning a few motif. If carpet expected becomes the accent, choose the appropriate carpet for space function. Carpet for bed room, usually carpet is placed beside bad. Choose fairish 80 cm x 150 cm. 
  4. Furniture that available on that room have own size and color, having affected on carpet size and color. For example, for the family room with the sofa three chairs use carpet size of 170 cm x 230 cm. For smaller furniture size, choose fairish 120 cm x 170 cm. For carpet color, choose which in harmony between color furniture or intentionally contrast to make an impression on the contrast. So, correct color choice depended from settlement concept of space.


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